Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec dignissim ligula. Curabitur lectus felis, commodo nec elementum vitae, gravida ut est. Curabitur nec ipsum vitae sapien fringilla fermentum quis non nibh. Vivamus metus nibh, condimentum et vulputate vel, iaculis in turpis. Curabitur ligula urna, interdum dapibus malesuada a, pharetra non orci. Proin pellentesque odio [...]
Archive | Dr Ambedkar's Books
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Embracing Buddhism
Ambedkar believed that the Mahar people were an ancient Buddhist community of India who had been forced to live outside villages as outcasts because they refused to renounce their Buddhist practices. He considered this to be why they became untouchables and he wrote a book on this topic, entitled Who were the Shudras?. Dikshabhumi, a [...]